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What a great book!

"Kids really enjoyed this book and I love the lesson it teaches, also the illustrations are the cutest."

This Book Helps Children To Create An Awareness of Others

"What a great book! It creates an awareness of others feelings and emotions. Often children form habits that they are unaware may be hurtful to others, this book leaves a sense of responsibility of being aware of your actions and how they may affect someone else. Great read."

Love It!!
"My kids really enjoy the “Mindful Marley” book it’s one of their favorites. I love it because it refreshing and colorful. It also helps them with being curious and mindful of their decisions. The quality and color are amazing, and the book was delivered in a very timely manner. It’s a must have for any parent wanting to teach their children certain subjects not taught in school."
Great Book!!
"Awesome book for children’s awareness. Allows children to be mindful of their actions toward others. Wonderful self imagery for young African American children as well!"
Love it
"This was a cute book! We have to teach our children to be careful and always be mindful of things around them. Lani did a great job with this book. We love it!"

Love Mindful Marley
"I think as parents we tend to think of our village as being people physically around us. I’ve been a parent for 2 years and I’ve come to realize that part of my village can be authors! I can admit that I don’t always know the right way to get my child to “WATCH OUT” while playing. I would say that Lani Johnson perfectly personified what being mindful looks like. I encourage every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle and caregiver to grab this book!"
A Thoughtfully Written Children's Book
"My students love this book by Mindful Marley. The story teaches kids to be kind and thoughtful, while the illustrations help to reinforce their understanding of kindness. I am now a big fan of the Mindful Marley series because it is thoughtfully written and has great illustrations. I highly recommend this book for elementary teachers who are teaching students about positive character development."
Very Good Book, Love It
"Great book!!! Very well illustrated and easy to read. My 6 yr old granddaughter read it to me at least 2 times back to back. She loves it. A must read for young tots."
Amazing Book!
"Our three Children love this book. Very colorful, easy to read, and has an amazing message. I recommend this book for any parent looking to help their children be mindful and continue their love of reading. Congratulations Author Lani Sutton Johnson on your first book! We are so proud of you!"

Wonderful Book For Both Kids And Parents
"I absolutely love this book! It teaches certain principles I didn’t learn until I became an adult. Kids will love the cute illustrations and the cute story to go along with it. Mindful Marley is a great read for your little ones."

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Mindful Marley Book